Lending to non-financial corporations

The National Bank of Romania has published in February the Bank Lending Survey. The survey shows that in the final quarter of 2017, credit institutions preserved their credit standards on loans for house and land purchase to households and tightened marginally those for consumer credit. As for non-financial corporations, lending conditions applicable to them stayed flat against the previous quarter. For the first quarter of 2018, credit institutions envisage a marginal tightening of credit standards for both housing loans and consumer credit. Conversely, credit standards applicable to non-financial corporations are anticipated to hold steady in 2018 Q1 as well.

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L’innovazione nelle imprese in Romania

La quota di imprese innovative è diminuita del 2,6% nel 2014-2016 secondo il comunicato stampa dell’INS del febbraio 2018. L’innovazione nelle imprese rumene ha registrato un calo nel periodo 2014-2016 rispetto al periodo 2012-2014, secondo i risultati provvisori dell’indagine statistica sull’innovazione nell’industria e nei servizi. Delle 1246 grandi imprese, 223 sono state innovative, il che significa che meno di una su cinque grandi imprese ha innovato. Delle 27.563 piccole e medie imprese, 2702 sono state innovative, il che significa che circa una su 10 piccole e medie imprese ha innovato.

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EIB Group in Romania

The European Investment Bank Group, comprising the European Investment Bank (EIB) and its subsidiary, the European Investment Fund (EIF), provided close to EUR 1.9bn of new loans, guarantees and equity investment in Romania in 2017. More than EUR 1.3bn in loans came from the EIB and EUR 551m from the EIF in the form of guarantees and equity investments in small businesses to sustain their growth. The EIB Group’s support for Romania therefore represents some 1.04% of the country’s GDP, placing Romania fifth among EU Member States in this respect, and above the EU average of 0.46%. The group concluded four operations under the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI), which is part of the Investment Plan for Europe.

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Che cosa è da sapere su Modulo 600?

Che cos’è il modulo 600?

Modulo 600 – Dichiarazione dei redditi sui contributi di sicurezza sociale e la relazione di reddito raggiunta nel periodo di sospensione minima per stabilire il contributo di sicurezza sociale, un modulo in cui i lavoratori autonomi, nonché coloro che hanno e altri guadagni oltre ai salari stimano i loro guadagni per quest’anno.

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