New rules for exchange of VAT payment data

The growth of electronic commerce, e-commerce, facilitates the cross-border sale of goods and services to final consumers in the Member States. In that context, cross-border e-commerce refers to supplies upon which the VAT is due in a Member State, but the supplier is established in another Member State, in a third territory or in a third country. However, fraudulent businesses exploit e-commerce opportunities in order to gain unfair market advantages by evading their VAT obligations. Where the principle of taxation at destination applies, since consumers have no accounting obligations, the Member States of consumption need appropriate tools to detect and control such fraudulent businesses. It is important to combat cross-border VAT fraud caused by the fraudulent behaviour of some businesses in the area of cross-border e-commerce.

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Transparency obligations for online platforms

The EU is introducing new rules which will provide businesses with a more transparent, fair and predictable online business environment, as well as an efficient system for seeking redress. The regulation adopted on June 14 by the Council addresses relations between online platforms and businesses as shown in the press release of the Council of the EU.

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Newsletter January 2019

New fiscal and budgetary measures – O.U.G. 114/2018

O.U.G. no. 114/2018 regarding the establishment of measures in the field of public investments and fiscal-budgetary measures, the modification and completion of some normative acts and the extension of some terms published in the Official Gazette no. 1116 has a major impact on key areas such as energy security, the banking industry, the telecommunications industry, the long-term stability of private individuals’ accumulation in private pension funds, the construction industry, and interest rates on government securities.

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New rules for doing business online

The EU is introducing new rules which will offer business users in the EU a more transparent, fair and predictable online platform environment, together with an effective system for seeking redress. The proposed regulation is the first EU legislative act that addresses relations between online platforms and the businesses using them according to the Council’s press release dated 29th of November 2018.

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